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“Ko te taura whiri, he whiri i te tangata – The flax fibre cord is like the cord that connects people”
The original weaving school – Te Whare Raranga – was established in 1969, shortly after the carving school. It was run by New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute’s first employed weaving tutor, internationally renowned weaver, Emily Schuster (QSM, OBE).
Te Rito, named after the baby shoot at the heart of the flax bush, was built in 1994. At this school, male and female students have the honour of learning traditional Māori weaving techniques, as taught by experienced tutors.
Tauira (students) within Te Rito learn the art and skills of traditional weaving, upholding the Māori tradition for future generations.
An exclusive range of weaving programmes are on offer to male and female applicants 18 years and over.
In the past, the chance to learn the art of Māori weaving was only offered under strict conditions. Today, the protocol has been relaxed somewhat.
Through the NZMACI Act (1963) history the Institute has the ability to award tohu (qualifications) to any person having special training in Māori arts, crafts or culture. The ability to independently recognise and confer qualifications remains a unique attribute of this organisation to this day.
This tohu is for 2 years and is 40 hours per week, 47 weeks of the year.
During study, the schools weavers have the opportunity to be involved in kaupapa on-site, throughout New Zealand and possibly overseas. The outcome is two-pronged- it fulfills NZMACI’s cultural perpetuation, protection and promotion mandate and exposes tauira to environments which help them see firsthand how knowledge, history and ideas are manifested through material culture.
Tauira (students) are taught the skills of the art form but also the tikanga associated with the practice.
Each programme offers a different opportunity to learn, appreciate and be a part of maintaining the Māori art of weaving.
Tauira are taught:
Amanda is a Pouako -Te Rito (Tutor at the National Weaving School). Amanda holds multiple BA and postgrad degrees, a previous teacher for Te Wānanga-ō-Raukawa, and weaving tutor at Te Wananga o Aotearoa.
She was fortunate to be raised within a Wharepora and named (Mandē) Rongomaiwahine. Amanda is a passionate Kairaranga, her foundations contributed from a legacy of weavers within her whānau, hapū and iwi.
Amanda acknowledges all the privileges, teachings, and contributors from multiple kairaranga, kaumatua over the years (including Meleta Bennett) who have had a profound impact to her knowledge base.
Amanda continues to promote the importance of Te Ao Māori within education and balances the duality of her skills between upholding traditional practices and exploring contemporary practices.
Amanda is a reflection, of all the knowledge, investment and contributors that have come before her.
Applicants must be of Māori descent, female or male and 18 years old or over. You must be able to demonstrate a competency in Māori art and/or design and have an ability and willingness to interpret and understand the theory component of this qualification. To maintain the standard and quality of our graduates, places are strictly limited.
Applications are now closed. Expressions of interest are welcome to [email protected].